Throughout our communities, individuals suffering a sudden, life-threatening illness or traumatic injury obtain immediate prehospital emergency medical care and transportation from professional emergency medical personnel, most commonly alerted by a call to 9-1-1. Their professional certification, vehicle permits and agency licenses are provided by the Virginia Department of Health, Office of Emergency Medical Services. They are part of a comprehensive EMS system that is frequently accompanied by other public services including fire, rescue and law enforcement; and optimally continues when the individual patient’s care is turned over to the medical staff at the most appropriate medical facility capable of providing definitive medical care.

On a regional level, the Peninsulas EMS Council, Inc., a 501(c)(3) non-profit, tax-exempt agency, is created by state statute to be an integral part of Virginia's comprehensive EMS system. In essence, the Council integrates and coordinates resources to ensure a system of rapid response and expert patient care from the 16 jurisdictions, 10 hospitals and more than 57 EMS agencies. The Peninsulas EMS Council delivers, facilitates, and/or coordinates the programs listed as part of a comprehensive EMS system.

While, in some cases, other agencies could physically provide some of these services, the Peninsulas EMS Council is responsible for coordination and monitoring the efficiency and effectiveness of the following:


  • Regional Medical Direction
  • Regional Medical Advisory Committee
  • Protocol, Policies and Procedures Implementation
  • EMS Performance Improvement
  • Regional EMS Supplies Restocking, Drug Box Standardization and Exchange 
  • Regional Trauma Triage Plan
  • Regional Stroke Plan
  • Regional ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction (Heart Attack) Plan
  • Regional Planning
  • Regional EMS Plan
  • Mass Casualty Incident Support
  • Hampton Roads Metropolitan Medical Response System (HRMMRS)              
  • Regional Coordination
  • Regional Information and Referral
  • EMS Education and Training
  • Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) Team
  • Regional EMS Communications Systems Advocacy
  • Peninsulas Interfacility Cooperation Organization (PICO)
  • PEMS and VA OEMS Coordination
  • Rescue Squad Assistance Fund (RSAF) Grant Program
  • Regional Awards Program


  • EMT Instructor Networking


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