One of the primary responsibilities of the Peninsulas EMS Council is planning an effective and efficient EMS system for the region.  The various regional plans produced and published by the Council are the result of the hard work by our various committees. 


Emergency Medical Services Plan

The Emergency Medical Services Plan serves as the strategic plan for PEMS.  It is a three-year plan that is reviewed annually and remains consistent with the Virginia Department of Health, Office of Emergency Medical Services Virginia EMS Plan.  This plan is the responsibility of the PEMS Board of Directors and the PEMS staff, but has input from various other PEMS committees.   The PEMS Regional EMS Strategic Plan may be found   here .


Continuity of Operations Plan

PEMS Continuity of Operations (COOP) plan defines how the PEMS Council will continue to operate in the event of various challenges, such as weather emergencies or deployment of a staff member.  This plan is reviewed annually and is the responsibility of the PEMS Board of Directors and PEMS staff. 

Planning tools to assist your agency in preparation of your own Continuity of Operations Plan are available here:

If you would like assistance in creating a COOP plan for your agency, click here to contact the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Regional Medication Kit Plan

The PEMS Regional Medication Kit Plan describes the management, operation and maintenance of our regional medication kits program.  It is reviewed annually and is the responsibility of the Peninsulas Interfacility Cooperation Organization (PICO), with input from the Pharmacy Committee and the Medical Advisory Committee.  The PEMS Regional Medication Kit Plan may be found   here .

 Regional Hospital Diversion Plan

The PEMS Regional Hospital Diversion Plan describes how our hospital systems keep our EMS partners advised of their status in the event that they must limit patient acceptance under emergency conditions such as a fire, equipment failure or an active shooter incident.  This plan is reviewed annually and is the responsibility of PICO and ad hoc working groups made up of hospital executives, agency leaders and emergency department managers.  The PEMS Regional Hospital Diversion Plan may be found here .


 Regional Mass Casualty Incident Response Plan

Due to the similar natures of the regions and the resources that are common to both regions, Peninsulas EMS Council works with Tidewater EMS Council to create one Regional Mass Casualty Incident (MCI) Response Plan for both Councils.  This plan describes how agencies within the PEMS and TEMS regions respond to incidents that are beyond their own capabilities, how to request MCI resources and how these resources will operate when activated.  This plan is reviewed annually and is the responsibility of the joint PEMS/TEMS Mass Casualty Incident Workgroup.  Due to the sensitive nature of this document, it is not available online.  Jurisdictions having authority for MCI responses may submit an email request here.


 Regional Stroke Triage Plan

The PEMS Regional Stroke Triage Plan describes how agencies and hospital systems in the PEMS region operate together to support the special needs of patients requiring stroke care.  The stroke centers in the region that are recognized by the Virginia Department of Health are also identified in this plan, which is reviewed annually.  The plan is consistent with the Virginia Stroke Plan and is the responsibility of the PEMS Stroke Task Force, with input by other PEMS committees and the various stroke center and hospital stroke care organizations.  The PEMS Regional Stroke Triage Plan may be found   here .


Regional Trauma Triage Plan

 The PEMS Regional Trauma Triage Plan describes how agencies and hospital systems in the PEMS region operate togethger to support the special needs of patients requiring trauma care.  The trauma centers in the region that are recognized by the Virginia Department of Health are also identified in the plan, which is reviewed annually.  The plan is consistent with the Virginia Trauma Triage Plan and is the responsibility of the PEMS Trauma Triage Task Force, with input by other PEMS committees and the various trauma center and hospital trauma care organizations.  The PEMS Regional Trauma Triage Plan may be found here.


 Regional Elevated ST Segment Myocardial Infarction (STEMI) Triage Plan

The PEMS Regional STEMI Triage Plan describes how agencies and hospital systems in the PEMS region operate togethger to support the special needs of patients requiring emergency cardiac care.  The chest pain centers in the region that are recognized by the Virginia Department of Health are also identified in the plan, which is reviewed annually.  This plan is the responsibility of the PEMS STEMI Task Force, with input by other PEMS committees and the various chest pain centers and hospital cardiac care organizations.  The PEMS Regional STEMI Triage Plan may be found   here .


Regional EMS Performance Improvement Plan

The PEMS Regional General EMS Performance Improvement (PI) Plan describes how PEMS and our partner agencies operate together to provide accountability and a system for continually improving the quality of our regional EMS system.  This plan is consistent with the Virginia EMS Plan and is reviewed annually.  It is the responsibility of of the PEMS Performance Improvement Committee with input by the PEMS Task Forces and various other PEMS committees.  The PEMS Regional Regional EMS Performance Improvement Plan may be found   here .


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