In an effort to improve the logistical efficiency of our regional EMS system, Peninsulas EMS Council has partnered with the hospital systems within our region to create an exchange system for the routine supplies used in patient care on a day-to-day basis.

This work is coordinated by the Peninsulas Interfaculty Cooperation Organization (PICO).  PICO reviews common-use items and makes recommendations to the hospitals to allow for used supplies to be exchanged on a one-for-one basis.  Items include linens, oxygen therapy devices, ECG electrodes, and many other common supplies used with high frequency.

To ensure that hospitals have the necessary documentation to support the costs of this exchange program, providers must complete a PEMS Emergency Department Supply Replacement Form (01-2023)   and turn it in with each patient transferred to the hospital. Only items on the form may be replaced.  

Please be courteous to hospital staff when collecting exchange items.  Obtain permission from the appropriate ED staff member prior to entering their supply spaces or request that an ED staff member obtain the necessary items.  Exchange only used linens and leave dirty linens in the appropriate receptacle.  

Remember that our hospital partners provide this service to us at significant cost and they are under no obligation to do so other than providing for the good of our regional EMS system. Do not abuse the privilege.

 Email Link

If you have an item that you would like to be considered for addition to the hospital exchange program or have observed a problem with the exchange system, click here to email the PICO Committee.

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Waiver for Glucometry Laboratory Equipment

The federal government requires that all laboratories testing human specimens, such as blood, for the purposes of diagnosis and treatment, must be certified by the Health Care Finance Administration (HCFA), Department of Health and Human Services. This applies to EMS agencies that perform glucometry tests. These requirements are set forth in Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA) of 1988.  The government also allows for a CLIA waiver when certain conditions are met. The Peninsulas EMS Council, Inc. maintains the regional CLIA waiver for all of its EMS agencies.

Peninsulas EMS Council, Inc. was awarded the first regional waiver in 1998. The waiver is valid for two years.  You can download the most recent regional waiver below. A number of other EMS regions have also obtained waivers.

To include your licensed EMS agency under the PEMS waiver, provide a list of glucometry equipment (make and model) that you use and agree to use and maintain the equipment according to manufacturer’s specifications. A standard one page agreement form is available from the council for that purpose (see download below). Of course, if your agency does not use glucometry, the waiver is not necessary. If you are in doubt whether your agency falls under the regional CLIA waiver, please feel free to contact the PEMS office at (804) 693-6234.

Whether your agency falls under a state, regional or local waiver, be aware that federal regulations require laboratory certification, or a waiver, for any EMS agency performing tests on human specimens.

  Click here to download a copy of the current CLIA waiver .

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Important Hospital Exchange Documents

PEMS Regional Ambulance Restocking Agreement (EMS Agency)(2018)

PEMS Regional Ambulance Restocking Agreement (Hospital)(2018)

PEMS Emergency Department Supply Replacement Form (01-2023)


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Peninsulas Interfacility Cooperation Organization (PICO) Committee

The PICO Committee coordinates and supports the regional system for the EMS Hospital Exchange Program and interfaces with other organizations and committees as necessary to support the logistical needs of our regional EMS system.

Membership includes:

  • One hospital administrator, or designee, from each of the region's hospitals with a full-service emergency department
  • One emergency department director, or designee, from hospitals with full-service emergency departments
  • An EMS Representative from the EMS Operations Committee.
  • A PEMS staff representative to support the administrative and logistical needs of the committee.

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